Guatemala Solar Thermal

In Guatemala, talking about solar radiation use for electric and thermal energy generation in homes seems a myth. And in the case of thermal, even more.

So far, according to Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) data, approximately two thirds of energy is produced with fossil fuels, which translates into high costs and environmental pollution.

A good part of that electricity is used in order to heat water for human consumption, especially for the shower.

During approximately 350 days a year there is sufficient solar radiation to meet 95% of hot water needs in Guatemala.

As in many countries of Central America, thermal energy generation from solar radiation is an industry almost unknown and often confused with electric energy generation.

The few households that have incorporated solar thermal energy experienced a minimum decrease of approximately 40% in their electric bill amount and will pay off the investment made in less than 3 years.

Resultado de imagen de solar térmica guatemala

Currently it is possible to find two types of solar heater systems technologies in the country: non-pressurized and pressurized.

The first is generally used for residential use because it is of little pressure and simple installation, and the second one is more used in industry and services sectors.

Experts and leaders from Latin America and the Caribbean gathered in Costa Rica to promote quality assurance mechanisms implementation in solar water heaters use, in order to increase technology confidence and stimulate its development in the region.

Issues such as standards, testing, labeling and certification, as well as the use of quality infrastructure to support regional policies on the promotion of solar thermal energy were considered.

Solar heating technology has arrived at a maturity, technological and of price, that nowadays allows developing national strategies as well as regional to promote water heating with solar energy.

Currently, less than 3% of solar thermal energy is used in Latin America and the Caribbean, so that better quality assurance mechanisms can lead to significant market growth.

Solar thermal energy can also be used to dry grains, especially coffee.

The drying system consists of solar collectors, recirculation pumps, water pipes, thermal insulation, storage tanks, precision fans and heat exchangers.

Solar collectors absorb solar energy, this is transmitted to the water that flows through the pipes. The hot liquid is stored in the central tank, from where it flows to the mechanized dryers. At this point, water-air heat exchangers dehydrate and heat the ambient air, drying the grains.

Resultado de imagen de secador solar café

In El Novillero village, Santa Lucía Utatlán, Sololá, there is the ecological park and protected area Corazón del Bosque, a project of the Artisanal Association for La Guadalupana Development.

Linking community benefit with natural resources sustainable use were concerns that originated this project, which to date generate 13 permanent and more than 800 temporary jobs.

Solar energy wherever you are with Sopelia.

Solar Layout (Thermal)

Solar Layout is the App for collectors and solar modules on site positioning.

This is the most intuitive Solar App of the market.

To use it on field is not necessary to have an Internet connection because it works from place latitude, obtained by GPS.

Today we will see solar thermal energy part.

To begin press left command shown in initial screen with the house, the solar collector and the user taking a hot shower.

If our Smartphone GPS is not enabled, the App will ask us to activate it to locate our position.

Intermittent earth planet image immediately appear with the legend “Localizing”.

When our device GPS have located our position, the following screen appears to confirm it.

By confirming our location the Solar Equipment Use Menu displays.

There are 3 applications in the Menu:

1 Hot water: represented by a shower image
2- Heating represented by a radiator image
3- Outdoor pool conditioning: represented by a pool ladder image

By selecting one of the 3 applications, Options Menu will display.

There are 3 variables in the Menu:

1- Inclination: represented by collector and angle image
2- Orientation: represented by collector and cardinal points image
3- Distance: represented by 3 collectors rows image

By pressing the Inclination option, we get recommended inclination value for location and solar application selected, accompanied by some Tips considering collector type used.

Pressing Orientation option, we obtain procedure to fix collectors orientation description and access to recommended compass App discharge, if we don´t have it.

Pressing Separation option, the Kind of Surface Menu is displayed for us to select the appropriate option (Horizontal / Non horizontal). If the surface on which the collectors will be placed is horizontal, we only must enter Collector Height in cm data.

If the surface on which the collectors will be placed is non horizontal, in addition to Collector Height in cm data, we must enter Surface Inclination Angle data. We will enter a positive value if it matches the collector inclination direction and a negative value if it is different.

In this way we obtain the Separation (distance) between collector’s rows in meters.

Pressing i button Tips related to shadows and singular locations (snow, desert and rain areas) are deployed.

Download Solar Layout and placed solar thermal collectors on site in the most intuitive way with Sopelia.

(Español) 10 Semanas Solares Fotovoltaicas

Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.

(Español) 10 Semanas Solares Térmicas

Este cronograma representa la dosificación recomendada de dedicación para una correcta asimilación de conocimientos durante el curso e-learning de Técnico – Comercial en Energía Solar Térmica impartido por Sopelia.
Puedes recibir esta formación íntegramente desde tu computadora, smartphone o dispositivo móvil.
Supone dedicar entre 1 y 2 horas diarias entre lunes y viernes de cada semana.
* Semana 1: Introducción a la Energía Solar
1.1) El futuro de la energía solar
1.2) El Sol
1.3) Nociones básicas de Física
* Semana 2: Introducción a la Energía Solar
1.4) Nociones básicas de Electricidad
1.5) Nociones básicas de Energía
1.6) Energía del sol
1.7) Tablas
– Resolución Test 1 y 2 y Ejercicio 1
* Semana 3: Energía Solar Térmica – Equipos
2.1.1) Colectores
2.1.2) Sujeción y anclaje
* Semana 4: Energía Solar Térmica – Equipos
2.1.3) Fluido caloportador
2.1.4) Protección de la instalación
* Semana 5: Energía Solar Térmica – Equipos
2.1.5) Tuberías
2.1.6) Tanques acumuladores
2.1.7) Intercambiadores
* Semana 6: Energía Solar Térmica – Equipos
2.1.8) Grupos de bombeo
2.1.9) Aislamiento
2.1.10) Otros componentes
– Resolución Test 3 y Ejercicio 2
* Semana 7: Energía Solar Térmica – Instalaciones
2.2.1) Principios básicos
2.2.2) Diseño
2.2.3) Regulación
* Semana 8: Energía Solar Térmica – Instalaciones
2.2.4) Proyecto de un sistema de ACS
2.2.5) Cálculo de la superficie colectora
2.2.6) Cálculo de los demás elementos de la instalación
* Semana 9: Energía Solar Térmica – Instalaciones
2.2.7) Presentación de un proyecto
2.2.8) Otras aplicaciones
2.2.9) Ejecución y mantenimiento de la instalación
* Semana 10: Energía Solar Térmica – Instalaciones
– Resolución Test 4 y 5 y Trabajo Práctico final
Se trata de la formación en Energía Solar con la mejor relación calidad-precio del mercado.
Puede recibirse donde quiera que estés.
Solamente se necesita una computadora, smartphone o dispositivo móvil y conexión a Internet.
Por tratarse de la 1era edición hay un 50% de descuento sobre el PVP.

Esta acción de formación brinda capacitación técnico – comercial en aplicaciones domésticas de energía solar con el objetivo de difundir la tecnología y desarrollar recursos humanos para su incorporación al mundo laboral y empresarial.
La edición 2016 comienza el día 19 de septiembre y finaliza el día 25 de noviembre.

El plazo de inscripción es hasta el día 16 de septiembre inclusive en
Ya no tienes excusas, energía solar donde quiera que estés con Sopelia.