Cuba Solar Pv

Since Soviet Union demise and US blockade intensification, Cuba has made great efforts to get its energy supply.

Its plans included solar energy, mainly in inaccessible areas where the national electricity system (medical clinics, rural hospitals, social clubs, TV rooms and schools) fails.

In medical clinics 400 W power equipments were installed to provide energy to 1 fridge 12 lamps of 15 W, 1 television and 1 radio to communicate with other clinics and hospitals.

In schools solar equipment was installed to provide lighting systems, TVs and computers.

The government built TV rooms, that were equipped with solar systems, in villages that have no electricity. Each TV room has 1 solar module, 1 TV, 1 video and 30 or 50 seats according to population density. The investment was around U$D 4.500 per TV room.

The first large-scale photovoltaic energy facility has installed more than 14.100 modules domestically manufactured. The plant is located in Cienfuegos province. The park, which was build in 2012, connected 2.6 MW to the national grid.

There are also installed photovoltaic plants connected to the grid in Guantanamo, Santiago de Cuba and Santa Clara provinces. The last one can produce electric energy to daily supply about 750 homes at full capacity and can contribute to the national grid with about 962 kW.

The photovoltaic solar park of Pinar del Rio has connected its first MW of the 3 provided, to the national electricity system. This facility, located in the area of Cayo Cana, provide energy to some Wells that supply water to provincial capital and 8,000 people.

Today are already active over 15 photovoltaic plants, in which each MW installed, on average, can produce 1,5 GW/h per year; saving the country annually 430 tons of fuel.

This leap to large-scale plants shows government interest to increase solar energy use and the opportunity to exploit an abundant resource, since the solar radiation average in Cuba is greater than 1,800 kW/h /m2 per year.

In addition, modules are manufactured in a factory located in Pinar del Río province. The local industry has substantial production line technological improvements, which in 2015 reached 60,000 modules focusing on 250 W panels.

Another sign of solar energy interest is the dean Solar Energy Chair, which founded on September 6 2001, at the University of Havana, reaffirms the renewable energy use momentum in Cuba where photovoltaics plays an important role.

Solar business in Latam with Sopelia

What is the best solar collector?

What qualities should we consider when selecting a solar thermal collector?

Are two:

1- Its constructive qualities. Determines the durability and architectural integration possibility.

2- His energetic qualities. Determines economic performance.

In some respects both qualities are interrelated.

A good solar collector is one who possesses both qualities well balanced for the intended application.

There is no use a solar collector with an extraordinary energy intake if their constructive qualities fail or degrade quickly, since the profitability of these facilities is measured in the medium term.

There is no use a solar collector with extraordinary constructive qualities if their energetic qualities fail, because, simply, it is not fulfilling its main task.

By observing the solar collector performance curve, we see that it depends on a variable which is the temperature T, which in turn depends on the solar radiation I, on solar collector fluid inlet temperature Te and on ambient temperature Ta.

That is, the performance of a collector depends:

– On one side of the weather conditions, given by I and Ta,

– On the other side of the working conditions, that is, of what it is used, given by Te.

Therefore, when selecting a collector must be considered:

1) The application will have (only ACS, only heating, hot water and heating, pool heating, etc.).

2) Climatic and radiation conditions of facility location.

3) Models performance curves.

4) Equipment price.

5) The economic profitability (based purely on the relationship between price and yield) and investment recovery period.

6) Its construction quality.

You need to balance construction quality with energetic quality.

There is an open debate among professionals about which of the two most used collectors technologies is the most appropriate: flat or vacuum tube collector?

Those who opt for vacuum tube collectors consider them more advanced and argue that in the future this technology will eventually displace definitely flat plate collectors because of their better performance.

The increased cost gap of vacuum tube collectors respect to flat collectors has been reduced and we can find collectors of both technologies at the same price.

Supporters of the vacuum tube collectors consider opting for them is compensated, because by offering higher performance per m2 we will need to purchase less collectors.

This is not necessarily true, especially in small facilities:

In a small facility that only provides ACS with good weather and radiation conditions, flat plate collectors performance and profitability will be greater.

As you increase the size of the installation, the vacuum tube collector highest performance will offset the lower absorbing surface.

We will also consider building integration of vacuum tubes direct flow collectors (U-Pipe) that can be placed vertically covering a façade or balcony.

In short, a properly trained professional must assess based on the following factors choosing one or the other technology:

• Specific requirements of the installation

• Location climatology in every season

• Previous experience

• Budget availability.

You can find content like this in the Technical – Commercial Solar Thermal Energy Manual by Sopelia

Cuba Solar Thermal

The Cuban population spends between 529 and 791 GWh/year (6% of electricity) to heat water.

Considering the housing technical conditions and water service stability, 1 million Cuban families could receive hot water service using solar energy.

The first ad written in Spanish about commercial solar thermal technology, published in a mass medium communication was held in a Cuban newspaper in the 1930s.

The equipments introduced at that time were mainly from US and its high costs made them only available to economically advantaged clases of the country.

In 1978 a polygon was established to evaluate solar heating systems and the Cuban Standard for systems installation was approved in 1987.

In that period, first models adapted to island climatic conditions was developed and Cuban patent for a solar thermal compact system was obtained in 1979.

Between 1982 and 1991 they were built and installed over 13.000 solar thermal water heating systems in kindergartens and other social institutions. Most of these systems are now out of service because maintenance and technological problems.

From 1992 to 2006 about 4.000 flat collectors and compact equipments, several imported, were installed and were performed efforts to manufacture in the country.

In 2007 Chinese vacuum tube equipments were acquired for pilot test performing purpose.

Approximately 85% of the installed capacity corresponds to the tourist hotel sector.

Solar thermal systems for applications such as drying of agricultural and industrial products are also used.

The solar energy research centers carry over 2 decades working on solar drying technologies development models for timber, medicinal plants, grains, seeds and other products that now allow industrial use of these cameras and provides great economic benefit.

Very advanced solar dryers for tobacco drying and curing technologies developing have also succeeded.

The mentioned centers also work in the use of solar energy in controlled climate chambers for vegetables production and high quality seeds, refrigeration and cooling. The research focuses on potatoes, tomatoes and other products production that currently Cuba is forced to import.

Solar business in Cuba and Latam with Sopelia

Solar Creativity

When Federico Redin answered the phone call at his office in Bahia Blanca (Argentina) he was happy because it was to request their installation services in a new solar energy project.

But when he came to the house where the project would be located, he realized that the facility had some complexity.

It was a continuous use indoor pool with bathroom, dressing room and kitchen.

The pool was closed with rustic solid brick walls, aluminum DVH low quality openings in the enclosure and transparent polycarbonate roof. A challenge.


After the visit, which solution adopt to optimally configure the installation was going around in his head.

Appealing to the characteristic creativity of Argentine people, Federico took an unconventional solution: swimming pool conditioning by floor heating (in the transit zones of the enclosure and in the pool itself).

In this way it would achieve heat the pool regardless of the type of water containing the glass and more efficiently, since conventional pool heating has the negative inertia of moving water.

By heating the pool water with a conventional boiler the water is set into motion with the same pool pump, causing cooling it by this movement; which decreases the overall installation performance.

Therefore, a more powerful source of energy and more thermal reaction is needed.

We know that using solar energy do not have a large thermal reaction, ie the heating time is slower.

By heating the pool with underfloor heating water turns hot through the concrete, once in regime, it has more thermal inertia and allows solar energy to maintain that regime.

The radiant “glass” pool and the transit floor area of the enclosure receive input from a conventional gas boiler, which is responsible for putting installation in system, and 7 heat pipe collectors supplying directly fluid to the circuit (without heat exchanger) that transfers heat in sunshine.

Colectores I

Temperature is regulated with a mixing thermostatic valve to not degrade the soil at high temperatures.

The system has a thermostat for transit zones and a thermostat for swimming pool water.

Then room or water temperature are discriminated with electric heads located at the underfloor heating collector, separating pool and transit zones of the enclosure.

The pool has a natural salt chlorination system (salt water 5%) thus avoiding the use of chlorine.


Having 2 separate circuits (the pool and underfloor heating), we protect the boiler to heat salt water, which quickly will cause severe and irreversible damage to it.

Federico Redin is Sopelia facilities expert advisor.

Solar Cuba

Cuba is one of the last bastions that refuses to adopt the capitalist system.

This implies virtually the absence of private initiative and as a result of this a great deficiency in infrastructure.

The most common is to make a simplistic association of ideas of “limited resources = poor capabilities.”

Nothing further from reality.

As in other areas (like medicine), in the field of solar energy in Cuba are people with experience and good know-how.

On one hand we have the importance that Cuban gives to “have a say” and on the other hand we have the “times” in which things in Cuba move and respect that we must have free of prejudices about political culture.

Cuba needs to take firm steps toward energy independence by implementing a series of initiatives that are a future investment to counter the problems that have to oil stock up and the harm this means for the country’s economy.

In 2012 Cuba had in its energy matrix 4% of renewable energy and the expectations are to meet the 10% clean energy sources by 2020.

The renewable sources use has helped communities to reduce ecosystem pressure and deforestation caused by the massive use of firewood.

In the country currently operate 13 wind farms and 19 bioelectric plants providing 633 and 755 MW, respectively, to the national grid system.

Energy sovereignty is feasible with 1,100 MW wind power potential and high solar radiation received on its territory located in the Tropic of Cancer, reaches 5 kWh/m2 daily radiation (1.825 kW/m2 per year).

The first experiences in solar energy incorporation have been linked to rural electrification projects. Since the late 80s and early 90s, a program was initiated with the goal of bringing electricity to all rural mountainous and inaccessible regions to improve the quality of its inhabitants life.

After thawing relations initiated in December 2014 by Raul Castro and Barack Obama and the reform process initiated by Castro in 2008 (creation of Mariel special development zone and new Foreign Investment Law) the new economic climate favors the renewable energies development with the presence of some 100% foreign companies.

The expected increase in island tourism demand will cause construction activation, especially for hotels, boosting industry participation in the renewable energies development.

Cuba set a target of 700 MW PV to reach 24% renewables by 2030, reduce their energy costs and diversify its current energy mix in which 94% of electricity production is covered by fossil fuels (about 50.000 barrels a day of own production + 75.000 imports).

The Abu Dhabi Development Fund will enable Cuba to diversify its energy matrix and increasing renewable energy, particularly solar and wind.

This fund, which provides financial support to developing countries, will support a project to generate 10 MW of solar energy, which will increase by 50% the current installed capacity.

It also promotes an ongoing project until 2017 to desalinate water incorporating photovoltaics and small wind technology in new plants.

Solar energy business in Latam with Sopelia